Thursday 8 December 2011

Personal Tutorial

I believe this counts towards my personal tuition as I did discuss the struggles I have had with the course and how to deal with them.  

Whilst I technically did not have a personal tutorial with my tutor, I nevertheless did still discuss the course I had chosen with him and other tutors. I began the year studying business Information Systems, but believed after a few weeks that this was not the right course for me. I thought long and hard about my choices and felt that the Multimedia course was my preferred choice. After emailing my personal tutor Martin Hancock to tell him what I had decided, he recommended that I speak to Tom Scott who was pathway leader of the Multimedia as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

 I then met up and spoke to Tom Scott and told him my reasons for wanting to change courses. We discussed about why I felt it was best for me. I decided to change course as I have previously done media courses in the past at college and school, and felt that this was my strongest asset as I have had previous experience. I did struggle with certain aspects of ‘BSI’ which was not covered in Multimedia. We also realised that it was only one module difference so that I would not be too far behind if I had agreed to put in the extra work to catch up. In the end Tom Scott agreed that he would be happy for me to change course due to my experience of working in Media before. I believe my mentor has helped me as I now know what course it is I want to do.

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